How To Document Your Christmas Morning | Interval Timer Shooting


Could it BE any more difficult to get a decent photo of your whole family together? Come on moms…you know what I’m talking about. You’re…

  • always the one in charge of capturing family memories

  • never in the pictures unless you beg for it or selfie it with your iPhone

  • always disappointed with how the pictures come out when you do hand the camera over

Can we change that right now? I’m going to teach you how to (almost) effortlessly set up your camera to capture your family. You included. Your WHOLE family together. Just like I have in all of these pictures of my family opening presents on Christmas morning.

But why stop with Christmas?! Keep this tutorial in your back pocket for all of the moments you want to capture a family memory. You’ll never have to beg a stranger to take a crappy photo for you again!

Watch the video above to see the tutorial and then keep reading for more tips, tricks, and links to other things you might need to make this method work for you.

If you’re interested in learning SO MUCH MORE about your camera and how to make it take the great pictures you expected from it, I can help you with that too! Click the button to check out my online class, The Mom Workshop.

My kids really enjoyed hamming it up in-front of the camera with their gifts. I love that I was able to capture such a great mix of posed and candid shots.


I love the framing of these images, however, I regret the lack of light on our faces from this camera placement. The light coming in the back window completely overpowers the light coming from the window behind the camera. These images are heavily edited to bring up the exposure on our faces. Make sure you watch the video so you can learn from my mistakes.


I’ve heard from several Canon shooters that their camera is not equipped with an intervalometer. I shoot Nikon & Fuji and all of my cameras have this feature built-in. And I believe Sony has an app you can download to make the camera function as an intervalometer. Either way, here are a few affiliate links to intervalometers that you can purchase for each camera make. Be sure to verify compatibility with your camera model.

Nikon Compatible Intervalometer
Canon Compatible Intervalometer
Sony Compatible Intervalometer
Panasonic & Olympus Compatible Intervalometer


One last thing I want to note is that Interval Timer Shooting may not be the same thing as Time Lapse shooting. On my Nikons the Time Lapse function renders the images as a video sequence, which is not what we want in this scenario (this would be more for astro or landscape photography). You are going to have a lot of images that aren’t keepers, so you’ll want to be able to review your pictures individually and select the best ones.

So just make sure that whatever you’re using allows you to save each image individually rather than creating a video compilation of the frames.


Will you be trying out your interval timer this year? Let me know in the comments…or better yet, join my Facebook group for moms and share your results with us!

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