The Reutters | Pensacola Family Lifestyle

Today I am blogging a session that I have been holding close to the vest. A rad videography company, called Flomobooth, is working on something pretty special for me. They are putting together a video profile of my little photography business. As part of the process, Flomobooth asked me to identify a client that would be open to having our session filmed for "behind the scenes" footage. I am on pins and needles to see what kind of magic they are working, and how this video will highlight exactly what lifestyle photography is all about. And initially, I thought I would keep this session under wraps until the video debuted...But I am just too excited to share it. So here's what's up!

Most of my clients in the target filming window were (in hospital) birth and newborn clients. Since filming a birth would not be permitted by the hospital, and newborn sessions are a little hectic in their own rite, I decided I would take the opportunity to call for "models". I had an amazing response from so many beautiful families, and I am so very appreciative of each and every one of you who took the time to share your family life with me. Gosh was it tough to make a decision!

In the end, Jon and Mallory's family stood out with a story that I was really excited to tell. Jon is a pilot. Naturally, family life is heavily impacted by the time that he is gone and homecomings are regularly celebrated. In our home interview, I could see that it is genuinely important to them to make the most of every moment he is home. This story of homecoming and squeezing as much quality time as possible into the in between times, is the narrative I wanted to highlight with our session.

Pensacola Family Lifestyle
Pensacola Family Lifestyle
Pensacola Family Lifestyle

A quick word on this next image. I didn't take it, Auden did! Toddlers so often start out pretty reserved around me. It's usually a safe bet that, they are curious about my camera and love to push buttons on expensive things that they are not normally allowed to touch. As a way to break the ice, get them involved, and show them that I am just here to have fun with them, I let them take pictures. Now, 99.5% of the time, these snaps won't result in anything even remotely useable. Really, 98% of the time, these shots capture the either the floor or the ceiling. But once in a blue moon, a toddler just nails it with something like this:

Pensacola Family Lifestyle

Maybe it's not the most incredible shot, or even the most flattering angle (Sorry-not-sorry Mallory! You're gorgeous!), but I still think it's a sweet moment and pretty special that it was captured by their daughter.

Pensacola Family Lifestyle
Pensacola Family Lifestyle
Pensacola Family Lifestyle
Pensacola Family Lifestyle
Pensacola Family Lifestyle
Pensacola Family Lifestyle
Pensacola Family Lifestyle
Pensacola Family Lifestyle
Pensacola Family Lifestyle
Pensacola Family Lifestyle

We had a blast, welcoming daddy home from work, playing like crazy, and making Mickey Mouse pancakes while baby Rollins napped. Click play below to see the full story of life at home with the Reutters.

And be sure to stay tuned to see how Flomobooth works the behind the scenes footage from this session into a video all about my process and passion for lifestyle imagery. Here's Christine filming me shooting from inside Auden's tipi. Because sometimes, you have to cram yourself into crazy places to get the shot. That's

Flomobooth, Pensacola videography

Thanks so much to Flomobooth for your incredible work and passion, and to Jon and Mallory for welcoming the three of us (and AAAALLLLL of our gear) into your home to capture your life. Readers, please take a moment to leave a comment for Jon and Mallory. When 50 people have commented, I will gift them with a mounted 8x10 image from their session (a $40.00 value).

Natalie Zepp Photography, Pensacola Birth Photographer, Pensacola Family Photographer, Pensacola boudoir Photographer, Pensacola maternity photographer, pensacola newborn photographer

Natalie is a lifestyle family photographer serving Pensacola, FL and surrounding areas. With a passion for capturing candid family moments, she specializes in birth and newborn lifestyle photography. Natalie lives in Pensacola with her husband and two (very difficult to photograph) children. Besides photography, she has a passion for modern sewing projects and graphic design. 

Photo Credit: Indie Pearl Photography