Happy Birthday Isla (Part 1) | Birth Photography Pensacola


I had never met Audrey before she contacted me about photographing her birth, but her husband Jon and I go WAY back. Like way back before he was even born. His big brother and I were church nursery buddies years before Jon and (my sister) came along. I still have random, but vivid memories of birthday parties at McDonald's and playing Pick Up Sticks and Lincoln Logs in their room when their parents hosted church home groups (they had all the cool toys). I was pretty excited to be there to watch my old friend and his beautiful wife become parents for a second time. Birth Photography Pensacola Little miss Isla gave us a run for our money. After a having to be turned in the womb to avoid a c-section and a frustrating episode of false labor, she finally arrived. And super quickly. With hands covering her eyes as if to say, "NOPE! It's too bright out here! Put me back!". And, despite her claims of not being a super hero, Audrey total rocked her second unmedicated birth, looking gorgeous and glowing the whole time.

I was able to stick around and capture big sister Monroe and Jon's parents meeting baby Isla for the first time. But you'll just have to wait to see, because it's too much sweetness for one post. (UPDATE: Click here for Part II)

Take a moment to leave a comment. If 50 people comment on this post, I will gift Audrey and Jon with a mounted 8x10 print from their birth session (a $40 value). Help them toward that goal, and I am sure they will remember the kindness when it's your turn to earn a print!